Indoor Air Testing Determines Whether or Not the VOCs are There in the Indoor Air!

At a newly renovated place, you can explore a very common smell. That smell is sharp as well as bitter. But the question is, have you ever tied to know what causes that smell? Well, it’s the presence of formaldehyde in the indoor air that causes such smell. Formaldehyde is a colorless gas and this comes with bitter and very sharp smell. There can be many products or items that you have used or stored for the renovation work, which are also the sources of formaldehyde gas. This is kind of VOC or volatile organic compound and presence of formaldehyde in major amount in the indoor gar is surely not a good things for the occupants of that indoor space. This can create a wide range of health issues such as irritation of nose, throat and eyes. When occupants are exposed to this gas for a long time, lungs, nervous system and kidneys damage can also occur. When you find such bitter and sharp renovation smell, the very first thing you need to do is to determine what is causing that smell.

Indoor Air Testing

·         VOC gas removal is vital

For this you need to opt for the indoor air testing first. Through this type of testing, it can be easily determined whether or not the formaldehyde and other VOC gases are there in the indoor air. If the VOC gases are there and the level of the VOCs are determine by the air testing, then necessary steps can be take to eliminate them completely.

·         Breathe clean and healthy air

In no way the presence of VOC gases at the indoor spaces is acceptable. They must be removed so that occupants can breathe clean, fresh and proper air. 


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